“Recreation or conservation? The battle being waged around Fort Collins’ old Hughes Stadium.” by Tracy Ross
Please see Tracy Ross’ MUST READ investigative news piece in today's Colorado Sun (April 16, 2023) about PATHS’ tireless fight to keep Hughes protected open space for the benefit of ALL members of our Fort Collins community, of all socioeconomic backgrounds and physical abilities.
Excerpt: On April 2, The Sun interviewed two of the conservationists De Gregorio had advised, Lopez, the PATHS member and ecophysiologist, and John McDonagh, a member of the Poudre Canyon Sierra Club’s executive committee.
McDonagh offered what he called “a 10,000-foot view” for why his club had reservations about the Hughes planning process.
“Let me preface this by saying, ‘Hey, I’m a mountain biker.’ But from our perspective, there are three significant problems with the city choosing a bike park,” he said.
First, it would render a significant portion of the Hughes tract unavailable to the vast majority of Fort Collins citizens and low-impact outdoor recreation users, he said. “I’m talking here about stuff like walking, hiking, biking, wildlife viewing, bird watching and potentially dark skies.”
Second, it would “severely damage” the habitat species protection and ecological connectivity and continuity, “that make the tract so unique and irreplaceable from a biological perspective.”
And third, a bike park would “contravene the clear intent of the ballot measure that led to the setting aside of the Hughes property,” he said.
Then he turned his focus to the city’s approach to the issue.
“The critical question for us is whether all of our city council and staff members are approaching it with a truly open mind. Or are they simply going through the motions to appear fair and unbiased,” he said. “Now, we certainly can’t read anyone’s mind, and we’re certainly not — make this clear — ascribing ill intent.”