Wildlife Rescue and Release at Hughes Open Space!

The AMAZING folks at the NoCo Wildlife Center recently released previously orphaned Cottontail bunnies at Hughes Open Space.

From the NoCo Wildlife Center:

Our licensed wildlife rehabilitation team recently released four cottontails back into the wild in Hughes Open Space!

These precious cottontails were once orphaned and vulnerable, but thanks to the dedication of our team, and your unwavering support, they received round-the-clock care that included specialized formula, feeding techniques, and enrichment. Our goal was to give them a second chance at life in the wild, and we're proud to say that that goal was accomplished!

It's incredible to think that these four cottontails mark the 44th through the 47th rabbits released across northern Colorado by our team this year alone!

Together, we're making a positive impact on wildlife conservation in our region.

A heartfelt thank you to all who have joined us on our journey, standing beside us as we tirelessly save and release orphaned animals. It's sobering to know that over 90% of these babies are orphaned due to human activity, but we can proudly declare ourselves as humans who are part of the solution, not the problem. Your support has been invaluable, providing a lifeline for these vulnerable animals!

We are profoundly grateful to the folks at the NoCo Wildlife Center for all of their hard work to protect our local wildlife in dire need of rescue and rehabilitation. PATHS continues to advocate for a modest Wildlife Center at Hughes where the stadium once stood so that the NoCo Wildlife Center can expand their mission to rescue and rehabilitate injured wildlife.


Thanks to PATHS volunteers and to 70% of voters in the April 2021 election, the City of Fort Collins now officially owns Hughes open space!


The Colorado Sun covers PATHS’ tireless fight to conserve Hughes as protected open space for the benefit of ALL members of our Fort Collins community